Community Coaching

Bringing the values and goals of the community together with those in the public sector to strengthen participation and mobilise change.

MutualGain has brought together the best elements of business and life coaching with expertise in citizen participation to create our unique Community Coaching programme.

Community Coaching is a structured programme of group and 1-2-1 sessions focused on empowering community members to make positive changes in their communities based on their commitment, ideas, experience and networks. It is a highly effective way of empowering local people to contribute to their communities in a meaningful and sustainable way.

A single Community Coaching programme can cover a whole range of issues which local people identify, such as increasing community centre activities, reducing litter and fly-tipping, setting up a tenant and resident association, or protecting victims of crime. A programme can also have a broad theme like tackling radicalization and extremism, or improving health and well being.

The benefit of Community Coaching is that you engage your local community in a very new way. An essential part of the programme is that participants decide what community-related issue to address as their goal and what action to take. This makes goals highly personal to each participant, which boosts their commitment and encourages them to remain focused when facing potential obstacles.

Who is this for?

Anyone in your community – residents who are either already actively involved, or new residents that you have met lately and want to support to make a difference.

Community Coaching programmes are commissioned by a range of agencies such as the local authorities, police forces and community organisations. The role of the commissioning organisation is to see each participant as community partner with the capability to achieve their goal.

Practical involvement may include providing rooms for meetings, responding to requests for information and sign-posting to a relevant organisation or local officer. It is about supporting achievement of the participant’s goal, not taking on their actions yourself.

The Process

Through the professional coaching support, participants are empowered to take actions that they wouldn’t have done otherwise. They build their skills and identify strengths they may not have realised they have. Their knowledge of, and relationship with, local services improves. These benefits are sustained way beyond the coaching relationship.

A programme can typically consist of an introduction group coaching session, followed by two individual one-to-ones, then a review/mid-way group coaching session, two more individual one-to-one sessions, and a final group coaching session. This can be tailored according to local requirements.

Case Studies

See how a group of women were empowered to achieve their goals through a process of coaching in Manchester:

Greater Manchester Police PB (pdf download)

Request a call or visit

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See Our Other Services

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Community Coaching

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World Café page