About Us
Our Social Purpose:
The raison d’etre of MutualGain is to empower organisations and communities to reconnect in the social space that lies between the state and the individual. Ultimately, we aim to promote greater participation and active citizenship within our democracy, and increase social capital for the mutual benefit of all.
What We Do
Welcome to MutualGain!
If you came to this site to access our trademarked online learning platform, MutualiLearn, head over to the shop to get started now.
Stay here if you want a helping hand to build social capital through community engagement. Here since 2011 we have an abundance of experience to support you in being brilliant.
We work with communities across the UK (and sometimes abroad) to connect, influence and share power with decision makers: social change is only possible through effective community power and coproduced outcomes. So whether you’re working with socially or financially marginalised communities, formal stakeholders, staff and volunteers, or looking to bring them all together to build better places to live and work, we are here and ready to support.
We specialise in strengths based techniques that encourage dialogue, deliberation and social action. Click on the training and capacity building tabs above to look at some of the techniques we use then drop us a line to discuss how we might be able to help you.
Current Work
This is how people use us at the moment – we try to update this every six months. Next Update is due in December 2024.
- Queen Mary University London and the Trade Justice Movement to deliver the first Citizens’ Assembly on how trade policy could support the UK to meet its climate goals
- Newport City Council on its fourth year of participatory budgeting allocating a million pound to local people to spend in a democratic way
- South Norfolk and Broadland Councils (through their Health and Wellbeing Partnerships) are delivering their first two (of many) community world cafes. The partnership has invested in all 50 trainees who will submit their work for our OfQual regulated accreditation
- Westminster City Council are using a citizen assembly approach to co produce community led preferred options for two community hub buildings which will go through Council decision making processes over the summer
- The Big Life Group in Manchester recently developed a bespoke Appreciative Inquiry course for their teams. We will continue to work with them to capture their learning through action learning sets over the next year
- Various housing and council staff are in the process of completing our Level 3 or 4 Award in Building Social Capital through Community Engagement.
Who We Are
We are a flexible organisation that draws on the expertise of a range of specialists to support the focus of your work.
The team is recruited through national recognition pieces that are innovative and create change, and through the communities we work with. This means you have access to senior specialists from across the public sector (local government, central government, policing, NHS, and housing) and brilliant emerging leaders who found this passion through one of our programs.
We love:
- our youth associates who support our marginalised youth to be heard and keep us up to speed on technological use!
- the diversity of our team because it reflects the global majority – we are an anti racist organisation and put that at the heart of all we do
- the inclusivity of the team because it ensures the right approach to accessibility for each programme.
Susan Ritchie
Hi, I’m the Director of MutualGain. You’ll find me at the heart of our training and delivery programmes.
I set up MutualGain because of my passion for democracy: I love listening to all the different perspectives on any given issue, and want to hear as many of those perspectives in all our government’s policy development and service design.
By building social capital we can increase the voice of those most marginalised in society, and value their experience positively.
I am committed to social justice in our democracy and do my small bit wherever I can whether that is as a volunteer (I am a former prison mentor and substance abuse mentor) or connecting with others in this space through professional and social networks that push for positive social change.
When I’m not working I’m looking for new places to visit and learn, cuddling my gorgeous grandsons, or sitting in my garden enjoying the fruits of my labour.
Welcome to MutualGain – I look forward to learning with you.
Contact details
Email: susan@mutualgain.org
Twitter: www.twitter.com/Mutual_Gain
LinkedIn: https://uk.linkedin.com/in/mutualgain
Dr Andrew Fisher
Hi – I have supported MutualGain’s growth in policing over the last decade. I am also an academic in Policing and teach at Liverpool John Moore’s University.
In the last few years I have focused on online training which you can find out more about through the MutualiLearn ‘shop‘.
Our moto is ‘Capture The Learning‘, and where possible we work with our partners to write up learning they have experienced.
When not working I enjoy cycling, watching my favourite football team, travelling and spending time with my beautiful grandchildren – not all at the same time though.
Email: andrew@mutualgain.org
LinkedIn: https://uk.linkedin.com/in/dr-andrew-c-fisher-7b6a501b
Twitter: https://twitter.com/MG_Andrew