The impact of a local community engagement intervention on residents’ fear of crime and perceptions of the police
This document is a summary of the findings of an independent evaluation of the work that MutualGain undertook with Durham Constabulary. The findings can be downloaded via this link https://www.dropbox.com/sh/3409ikpat35dw3n/AABO_CrWPXNMy0ZkNkMMB_WLa?dl=0
The full article citation is shown below, but essentially the article confirms the views of MutualGain that building social capital can have a positive impact on community potency, fear of crime and perceptions about the police.
Lockey,S., Graham, L., Redman, T., Zheng, Y., Routledge, G., and Purves, L., (2019) The impact of a local community engagement intervention on residents’ fear of crime and perceptions of the police. International Journal of Police Science & Management 1–13