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Month: October 2018


Fourteen years I’ve been a police officer. Ask me why, and I’ll give you a rather mechanised response, “To help people”. And so will, no doubt, the majority if not all other police officers to who you pose this question. I didn’t join the police service to help people per se but it’s often a[…]

October 29th 2018
Mutual Gain: This article has no featured image.

A journey of a 1000 miles, starts with a single step…

It was 2016. The bare school sports hall was harshly lit with neon tube lighting, flickering occasionally on the few people present who were sat, perched on uncomfortably low chairs; those chairs seemed huge when I was a kid. Conversation was stilted. Despite my repeated outline of reduced staff against a backdrop of austerity budgets[…]

October 18th 2018
Mutual Gain: This article has no featured image.

Don Pedro’s Arrival and The Housing Green Paper. 

So, there’s still plenty of time to comment on the government’s Green Paper on Housing, with the consultation deadline pointing at 6th November. The five principles that hold it up provide ample food for thought:    Ensuring homes are safe and decent;    Swift resolution of disputes and complaints;    Empowering residents and making sure[…]

October 10th 2018
Mutual Gain: This article has no featured image.

The Top Five Skills Needed to Help Build Social Capital

The following blog was written by Ernie Hendricks, one of the learners on MutualiLearn.  The blog was submitted as part of his endeavours to achieve a level 4 qualification in Building Social Capital Through Community Engagement. People have been asking about the community engagement work I’ve been doing. I figured I’d pen a quick note to[…]

October 3rd 2018
Mutual Gain: This article has no featured image.