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Tag: Democracy

Deliberative Democracy: A Practice Worth Embedding

Image designed by Freepik Investing in Deliberation: A Cornerstone for Stronger Democracy As public budgets are being reviewed and set, it is worth considering where deliberative democracy fits within our broader political framework. For years, I have facilitated Citizens’ Assemblies and mini-publics, witnessing how these processes sharpen and strengthen our local democracies. Deliberative democracy, a[…]

November 25th 2024
Mutual Gain: This article has no featured image.

What if a #newworld could be created as a result of Covid-19?

First up: if you read this and are intrigued by what could come of some of the questions posed at the end, would you kindly share across your networks and ask people to do three things: Point to any research that can think about this more deeply Share across your networks and mobilise others Share[…]

April 11th 2020
Mutual Gain: This article has no featured image.

Improving Democracy Through Dialogue – Stockholm, Sweden May 2018

      I am writing this during the lunchtime session of day one at the SALAR conference on Participatory Budgeting.  I am in Stockholm, Sweden (a very expensive place to eat and drink – £8 for a beer!). This blog is a way of me adopting the role of social reporter – not a[…]

May 17th 2018
Mutual Gain: This article has no featured image.

Continental measurement

How long is a piece of string? That was my first thought when someone proposed an unconference discussion about how the impact of Participatory Budgeting could be measured. To a degree it depends on the point of view that you take. For public services it usually involves a numerical target e.g. the number of crimes[…]

November 6th 2015
Mutual Gain: This article has no featured image.

Participatory Budgeting and the Police

On Monday 26th October 2015 over 70 people attended the UK PB Network conference in Birmingham. The conference was designed for academics, practitioners and those who want to learn a little more about PB in terms of the process, the results and the successes. Following a series of short, but informative keynote speeches, the participants[…]

November 6th 2015
Mutual Gain: This article has no featured image.

Health and Wellbeing: Creating the Well society.

This time last year I had a call from the Consultation Institute asking if I would support the North of England Commissioning Support Unit (NECS) to do some Participatory Budgeting (PB). It was a bit different to normal calls from people wanting to do PB – they didn’t have a small pot of money to[…]

November 6th 2015
Mutual Gain: This article has no featured image.