Sutton Bridge Participatory Budgeting Application Form
Participatory Budgeting Funding Opportunity for Sutton Bridge
The voting event is to be held on 23rd April 2022 from 11am – 1pm
Lincolnshire Police have made £15,000 available for a Participatory Budgeting programme to address community safety in Sutton Bridge . The aim is to address the key themes that emerged from the Building Better Bridges World Cafe community conversation held in late 2021
Participatory Budgeting (PB) puts community members in control of allocating funds to projects that benefit the community. PB is a democratic process where applicants that meet the criteria set out below, are asked to give a short presentation about their project, and Sutton Bridge residents vote for the projects that they believe will be of most benefit to the community and address community safety in the area.
If you would like more information on the PB process please Click here to go to our FAQ document.
Any community group, resident, or organisation can bid for a share of the £15,000. Your bid should address the theme shown below:
- Improving health and well being to build a resilient community
How Does The PB Process Work?
The local community will decide who is awarded the money based on the projects that they like the most, the process is as follows:
- Single applications can be submitted for up to £10,000. OR
- Multiple applications can be made as long as they are for separate programmes and do not exceed £10,000 in total
- This application form will be checked to ensure that it meets the full criteria (set out below).
- Applicants that meet the criteria will be invited to put together a 3-minute presentation in support of their bid. Each applicant will present in sequence at a decision day event and the community will then be allowed to vote once for each project.
- At the event, the community and other groups will be in attendance and they will vote on the projects being presented to them.
- Votes are counted on the day, and the winning projects will be informed of their success before the event closes.
Criteria – who can apply for the funding?
- We welcome bids from community groups and residents that are 13 years old or older. Applicants between the age of 13 and 18 must be sponsored by an appropriate adult
- Applicants do not have to be constituted groups.
- Applicants can be from anywhere, but the programme must wholly benefit the community of Sutton Bridge
- Applications are welcomed from the public sector, provided that it is not to provide essentials that are provided as part of the core curriculum
- Applications are welcomed from the private sector, however, this must be for a PROJECT that does not directly attract a profit. This must be clearly distinguished in the application
Timeline of Events
- If you would like help with your application or would like to learn about what works in Participatory Budgeting, then we will be holding an application support session – at 4pm – 5pm on 21st March 2022. See the Building Better Bridges Facebook page for the link
- Please let us know if you would like to attend one of these sessions by emailing us at andrew@mutualgain.org. Details will also be posted on our Facebook site
- Please ensure the application form is submitted by 5pm on 1st April 2022. (Late submissions will not be considered).
- Those who meet the criteria for the fund will be notified on 8th April 2022
- The Participatory Budgeting events will take place on 23rd April between 11am and 1pm at the Curlew Centre
At present, it is our intention to hold a live event (face to face). We are monitoring COVID restrictions and all decisions with regard to the voting event will be COVID compliant.
- Those attending are required to vote on all bids at the event, failure to do so renders that voting form inadmissible.
- Anyone is welcome to come along and vote, as long as they are 13 yrs or older!
If you would like to apply, please click here.
Good luck!