Our Voice Our Choice Our Port Saturday PM
Welcome to the PB page for the 3pm Saturday 27th March PB event.
Here, you will be able to read a short description of each programme that will be shown on the Saturday afternoon.
If you would like to view the short description in a different language, then please use the table at the top of this page and select the language of choice.
Please note – this will not be the running order for the day of the event
Happy reading!
1) New Life Charity Trust – Empower And Inspire The Youth: £4,000
“Giving Hope and Building Communities”
The numbers of young people suffering from mental health problems are increasing especially during these challenging times of covid 19.
Our aim is to empower young people from BAME communities and promote their personal, emotional, social, and mental wellbeing. We want to provide them a safe space and a platform to express their needs and concerns in the local community especially in such difficult times of the covid -19 pandemic.
We want to provide a weekly youth provision where they can come to have fun, socialise, build relationships, learn new ideas and skills. This project will provide them with a variety of extra-curricular activities, such as, card games, quizzes, discussions, team building, career plans and many more.
We believe that our project will make a difference and will give hope and instil optimism in the youngsters. Therefore, we would like to apply for £4000 to deliver the project and make a difference in the community.
2) Our Chartist Heritage – Art In The Community: £4,000
We are local artists working with the charity Our Chartist Heritage to inspire young people in developing their own ideas that can change their community for the better.
We have designed a workshop that teaches the processes of making a graphic novel. Participants must learn, use and develop a range of skills including illustration, literacy, storytelling and character development. In the Chartist spirit, collaboration and communication will be key facets of the sessions, encouraging participants to make connections between what happened in November 1839 and what is happening in their lives today. By doing this, we hope to nurture young ambassadors for Newport in fostering a sense of creativity, civic pride and belonging as future citizens of the area.
We have already achieved success in delivering workshops to some schools in the local area. A video created documenting the project can be seen here:
We would now like to extend this opportunity to other schools as well as school leavers in the medium of Welsh and English. We would hold sessions in schools as well at our studio in Barnabas Arts House in Pillgwenlly in the centre of Newport.
The £4000 funding grant would be used on school visits, open days, room hire, equipment and materials, marketing, and travel costs.
3) Newport Mind – Wellbeing Ambassadors Social Group: £3,600
We are the Wellbeing Ambassadors, 14-25 year old volunteers at Newport Mind. We have identified that due to the Covid-19 pandemic young people have lost many of the usual activities that would support their wellbeing in an indirect fashion. To meet this need, and help young people re-establish skills they’ve missed out on developing or learning, we would like to request funding for £3,600 to establish a Wellbeing Ambassador run social group. This will be delivered online and adapted for face-to-face delivery when restrictions allow.
Every session, the young people attending will get involved in activities (such as cooking, sewing, gardening etc), whilst chatting generally together as a group about the issues that are important to them; allowing young people to have a youth led space in which to talk. This will be facilitated by peers who have been trained to have informal discussions around mental wellbeing.
By providing this space for young people to have conversations around their mental wellbeing on their own terms, attendees will also experience improved awareness of their own wellbeing, and learn coping tools and strategies to better self-manage their wellbeing.
For attendees from disadvantaged backgrounds; participating in extra skill building through activities each session is a chance to learn skills that school has been unable to focus on during the past year. By interacting with the Wellbeing Ambassadors and other young people they will also forge positive relationships that will help build confidence in social situations going forward.
4) Rising Above Youth Project: £2,869
With the current climate and the effects of lockdown there are many factors affecting Children and young people. BAME communities and deprived communities have been impacted the most during this time with many reports stating this including the recent report from the children commissioner of Wales showing that BAME children and young people have been affected the most. With this in mind it is key to provide opportunities for young people to to discuss issues, whilst also raising aspirations and confidence coming out of lockdown. Hope in the post Covid normality in Newport
The Rising Above project will deliver sessions to provide as an opportunity for Children and young people to participate and further discuss issues and barriers that are faced by them and discuss how to deal with them. Children and Young people will explore aspirations, explore coping mechanisms and have an opportunity to build strong mental health, by exercising the rights such as article 12 of the UNCRC (Right to a voice) to explore the mentioned topics pre, during and post covid lockdown.
These sessions will explore the following topics :
- Raise aspirations
- Confidence in making life choices
Understanding and analysing information - Accessing services
Discussing Issues concerning young people including Race - To create a personalised small step action plan.
- Co produced – Aspiration document for Newport for young people by young people
The co produced document can be shared and used by young people to demonstrate what they have discussed what they expect from services in Newport.
5) Interactive Community Conversations – Disabled People & Carers: £3,000
Barrackswood and Harlequin Community Group is made up of active local residents who want to make the best of where we live and support those living here to thrive. Amongst other things our group has a particular interest in revitalising several local green spaces, which have lots of potential, but are currently underutilised and underdeveloped.
We are keen to hear as many voices from our community as possible to ensure that everyone has a chance to influence future plans for the regeneration of our area.
We would like to access £3k of funding to hire an engagement specialist to run a programme of interactive sessions over the summer months for disabled people and carers.The primary aim and benefit of these sessions will be centred around wellbeing and post covid resilience, offering participants the opportunity to get outdoors, get creative, connect with nature and each other, after being so restricted and spending so much time indoors over the past year.
Through conversations participants will also have the chance to contribute ideas, share their aspirations and develop a vision for the sorts of outdoor spaces and activities they would like to see implemented on a more permanent basis.
The secondary aim is that this will form a body of evidence and valuable information that will feed into the long-term plans for our community group, that can then be presented to agencies/decision makers working locally and external funders to support the implementation of the ideas that have been generated.
6) Share Centre – Wellies Farm Trip For Vulnerable Adults: £4,000
We would like to use this grant of £4000 to run weekly sessions a local community farm for Share Centre participants. They will learn new skills and enjoy practical activities like growing food and feeding/ looking after the various animals. As we come out of COVID restrictions we would like to concentrate on our client’s well-being and provide a chance to come together in a supportive group at the farm. Some of our clients have been living alone and isolated for a year, having never left the city in this time. This has left people feeling very isolated and disconnected from the support of others. Mental wellbeing has been affected, and people have been suffering as a result of such isolation. Some of our clients have faced traumatic experiences in the past and COVID restrictions have added undue stress on their mental health.
We want to offer them positive time with animals and focus on their mental health and well-being. Taking time to feed animals or grow vegetables can make all the difference. People can then learn skills that they can continue to use in the Share Centre garden, and their own homes.
This can be done safely and distanced in line with COVID restrictions.
Please vote for us to help us support people in their road to mental health recovery.
7) Newport LGBTQ+ Youth Group – Newport Youth Group Digital Access And Additional Activities: £2,560
Newport LGBTQ+ Youth Group is a safe and social space for young LGBTQ+ or questioning people who live or study in Newport (aged 11-25 years old). The group currently meet once a month digitally due to COVID-19. We are asking for £2,548. This funding would allow us to pay our facilitators to run 12 additional meetings, providing more regular contact and connection for this group of young people who are at greater risk of isolation. It would also allow us to combat digital poverty by providing four data dongles to young people so that no young LGBTQ+ person is left without support due to cold connectivity spots or low socio-economic background.
8) Sharing Carers Support – Parents for Change : £4,000
Parents for Change has been a long-standing support group almost15 years, specifically for Parents and Carers of Disabled Young People.
We would like to emphasise how much support and information is needed whether it’s health, education, independent living or welfare rights. Parents and Carers often live isolated lives and can find it very difficult to socialise or interact with other families facing similar issues.
What we offer and feel passionate about is making Parents for Change a service which covers areas of need for parents and carers, expressing regard for their issues, finding and sharing information plus being concerned for them as individuals and for their worries and problems, which can often be missed or forgotten when someone is in a caring role.
We offer a confidential support group as we recognise the individual and what they require from us and the rest of the group. Everyone is welcome to join us if they are a parent, grandparent or carer, these are the people who are helping and sustaining their disabled young people.
Friendships are often forged in support groups as they are given strength to do the tasks that are often hard to face. This support is extremely important to address and vital for everyone’s wellbeing, because issues and problems very often resonate with all our group members. By undertaking Sharing Carers Support Project will further our ability to enhance our group ethos by providing more opportunities and produce a carer support program.
9) British Red Cross – Programme of Workshop for Newport Womens Group for Refugees and Asylum: £4,000
The British Red Cross Women’s Project in Newport works with one of the most marginalised groups – refugee and asylum-seeking women. These women are among the most likely to experience isolation, language barriers, racism and poverty.
Having struggled to stay active throughout lockdown, we are now looking forward to reconnecting with our refugee women and children. Part of our plan will be to host a range of activities and workshops in Summer 2021, building on our foundation to help these people integrate and feel part of the community in Newport.
We are seeking £4,000 to provide a Summer Learning & Workshop Activity Programme, providing workshops for women and children on topics such as Welsh language, mental health, art and healthy eating. Some of these will be peer led, allowing the women to take an active part in organising as well as participating in the sessions.
Our Newport Women’s Project is reliant on sessions that can build confidence, but also provide our women with safe spaces to talk candidly about their experiences, share stories and make friendships. Although we will be looking to run online and remote learning, providing additional face-to-face activities, once restrictions are lifted, would be hugely beneficial to an especially vulnerable and marginalised group.
10) YMCO Online Cook Along: £3,710
YMCO is asking for £3710 to carry out an Online Cookalong primarily for the BME community 18 – 25 year olds.
This programme will consist of ingredients being purchased for free cooking packs which will be supplied to the participants who sign up, to take part in a cookalong via Zoom. This will help alleviate loneliness for individuals or groups by keeping in touch through virtual means. The cookalong can also help create a sense of belonging and togetherness – providing an alternative social platform. It will also improve mental health well being. The long term results would include gaining confidence, developing new and existing cooking skills and providing an opportunity for community cohesion as well as new friendships.
11) YMCO Online Arts and Crafts Workshop: £3,000
YMCO is asking for £3000 for an Online Arts and Crafts Workshop for the BME children and young people aged 10 – 17 years old.
This programme will provide free arts and craft packs to the recipients which will include a variety of materials for the group to explore. The workshop will be held over Zoom sessions where creativity and imagination as well as literacy and listening skills will also be encouraged. By doing something creative, the participants will allow for self-expression and this lets them express and cope with their feelings. It also fosters mental growth in children by providing opportunities for trying out new ideas, new ways of thinking and problem-solving.
12) Shahporan Bengali Adult Mental Wellbeing Project: £4,000
There is a large Bangladeshi Community in Newport and we are looking to deliver a project that reaches out to the women and elderly members of this community. Due to Covid19 our Bengali elderly Service Users have been restricted to their visits to the mosque. This has had a huge impact in terms of Mental Health and wellbeing as individuals have been isolated at home for over a year. Due to language barrier issues and limited IT skills, we have noticed that our elderly Bengali community members have missed out on opportunities of online support and information sessions during this Pandemic.
We have two aspirations from this project, firstly to engage more adult female members of the community and connect them to the mosque. Secondly, to provide Mental Wellbeing sessions in their spoken language in a safe environment that is easily accessible.
We would like to request funding of £4000 to cover staffing cost and resources so that we are able to provide Mental Health Wellbeing sessions twice a week for 50 weeks. Our target group are the elderly male and adult females from the Bengali Muslim community residing in the Maindee area but not limited to. We would like to provide a 2-hour session for each group every week giving them an opportunity to attend a workshop led by male and female staff, to ensure we adhere to cultural and religious sentiments.
Please support us by voting for our project and helping us to reach out to the vulnerable in our community.
13) Carers Cube – Carers Can Plant Grow: £3,992
Carers Cube Newport is community group that supports Black Asian Minority Ethnic BAME adult carers including the cared for. We are requesting £3,992 of funding for a gardening project called Carers can Plant & Grow. Carers have become lonelier and more isolated during lockdown, We want to help improve the mental and social wellbeing of our 20 BAME carers and their cared for. It would include gardening equipment for both outdoor and indoor, to help carers who do not have outdoor space. It’s giving carers their own little green space. Carers would be provided with planting and growing kits, they can involve the cared for. This will promote sustainable living, healthy eating, becoming more active, help to build self-confidence, reduce stress and to empower decision making. We would provide an ongoing support network through Zoom, to our carers throughout the process. We would provide carers on gardening information and knowledge.
14) Mount Pleasant Primary School PTA – Community Wellbeing Area: £4,000
As a school we aren’t eligible for any funding that supports the purchase of additional resources to support and promote Outdoor Learning and therefore rely on the help and fundraising that we the PTA bring to the school. However, this has been curtailed by the current pandemic.
We want to help our children to be able to extend their learning experiences by creating an outdoor classroom area that will be a multipurpose space for focused teaching, a nurture area for small groups, and a wellbeing chillout area for break and lunchtimes.
Our children have an under resourced outdoor space and the school and the PTA lack the fundraising capacity to create such an area. A blank canvas is uninspiring. The children need a focus and a reason to want to go outdoors and we would like to give this to them. It would allow community experts to be able to come into school safely to give talks, promoting learning and sharing experiences. The main goal being to extend the capacity to learn and to want to learn.
We would like funding to buy or make a significant contribution to purchase the kit to build an outdoor classroom and then utilise the skills and labour of a local carpenter to create it.
This is an example of what we would love to achieve, two would be brilliant if the PTA could make a small contribution.
£4000 total grant would be very appreciated.
15) Rogerstone Disc Golf: £4,000
Have you ever heard of Disc Golf? No? You’re probably not alone, however, after reading this, I hope that you’ll want to try It!
My name is Alex Donne and I’ve been playing Disc Golf for approximately 12 months..
So, do you enjoy throwing things? Walking in our amazing local parks? Enjoying the crisp winter air or the smell of flowers in summer? I’m sure we have all thrown a frisbee in our lives, so Disc Golf combines all of these things.
The aim is to throw your disc into the basket with the least number of throws as you can… just like golf, you throw it from where it lands after each turn…
This is the basic principle of Disc Golf!
My application is for the purchase and installation of a Disc Golf course in Rogerstone Welfare Grounds. My bid for £4,000 includes professional design of a course, purchase of baskets & discs for community use, all signage, publicity & advertising. Our nearest courses are in Bristol and Pembrey, so this course would be South East Wales’s first ever course!
It’ll be a free to use course and open to everyone! Disc Golf is a sport that can be enjoyed by people of all ages, fitness & ability. Whether it’s for a family trip out or a competitive game with friends, Disc Golf is a developing sport within the U.K., and it’s hoped that Newport can have the next course with the help of this bid!
16) KIRAN Legal: £3,940
KIRAN’s project KIRAN Legal has applied for £3940.00 for providing free legal (housing, Welfare Benefit, employment laws related) and translation/language services (in Bengali, Sylheti, Hindi, Urdu, Punjabi, Gujrati). The beneficiaries will include the BAME population living in Newport and surrounding areas with very low or marginal family income and limited ability to communicate effectively in English. KIRAN Legal is trying to solve the following problems: 1. Most Lawyers do not speak ethnic languages. It makes it very difficult for the BAME people to access Legal Services. 2. Lawyers usually charge significant fees for their Services, and many BAME people do not qualify for Legal Aid. It reduces access to Legal Services for BAME people. 3. There are not enough affordable legal translators who can assist the BAME people. 4. As a result of the COVID 19 lockdown, many BAME people have lost their regular income. They need urgent help concerning housing, employment and social benefit matters. BAME people feel helpless because they are unable to protect their interests. As a result, they suffer in silence. This situation undermines their confidence, wellbeing, self-esteem and breeds inequality. KIRAN Legal offers Free Language Services and Free Legal Services. Our services make the BAME people feel confident, empowered, knowledgeable and safe. We work very closely to secure access to legal recourses and solutions. We are offering the service to as many BAME people as possible. However, the demand is very high, and we need funding to support our free services.
17) Early Angels and Families: £4,000
This project has been set up for Bangladeshi and Pakistani families who are new mothers to premature baby or babies. It aims to support them from the birth of the baby. We will do this by supporting each and every individual by explaining the process step by step. This includes why the child is in intensive care to when and how the feeding takes place, to how to care for a premature baby. We will also support the family after they return home. I have had experience of having 3 premature babies. My first baby was born at 29 weeks weighing 2lbs. There is lacking of this kind of support in Newport. I was ok because I was qualified NNEB so had the bit of understanding how take of small baby.
We will start this off as a pilot scheme and if successful we will continue to provide this service. This will help build a better understanding for those who do not have the language as well as those who are just nervous new mothers. At a time like this we need to enable and support the NHS. I hope we can make this a success and open to other communities as well.
We are looking for funding of around £4000. This will help us pay for costs of the support workers as well as providing essential to the mothers and babies which they will need during their stay at the hospital.
Thank you.
18) Newport Radio and Energised Media – Back To The Future Part 1: £3,834
19) Ringland Primary Family Group – Digital Cohesion Across The Community: £2,500
20) G Expressions – Dance Leaders Online: £3,520
21) Menter Laith Casynwydd – Clwb Digidol: £4,000
22) Menter Laith Casynwydd – Hwyl i’r Teulu i gymunedau Cymunedau Du, Asiaidd a Lleiafrifoedd Ethnig a Ffoaduriaid, Ceiswyr Lloches a Mewnfudwyr: £3,000
23) Maindee Fesitival Association – Reaching Out A Song From Maindee: £1,800
24) Devine Welfare – Food Bank: £2,500
25) Pobl Group – George Street: £3,000
We are a supported accommodation for 16-18 year olds with complex needs in Newport, we house young people who have come from a range of backgrounds which include social care and broken families. Our aim is to support the young people with a healthy and active wellbeing whilst also encouraging independent living.
Currently, our residents move on when they are 18 years old. Majority of the time they move into their own flat, however often leave without any of their own essential items such as homeware and kitchenware. We would like to be able to put a package together to enable our residents to start the next chapter of their lives with essential household items.
Additionally, we currently have no budget to offer our residents activities on and off scheme. We would love the opportunity to host workshops on scheme to improve the education and prevent anti-social behaviour in our young people. We would also be delighted to improve the community cohesion and allow our young people to do activities and volunteer within the great city of Newport. Most of our young people have never had experiences or have any memories of taking part in worthwhile and meaningful activities. With the numerous things to do around Newport it has great potential to create many positive memories for our young people whilst also supporting the local economy.
We are asking for £3,000 to enable to support this project, we believe this will be enough to support the programme for 12 months