Carbon Neutral Greenwich Planning Group Invitation
You decide where public money should be spent to avert climate change
The Royal Borough of Greenwich has commissioned MutualGain to help establish and work with a grass roots residents’ group that will have the power to give grants to local projects that tackle climate change.
The Council is working with us as we have lots of experience in running participatory budget making workshops with communities.
If you live in the Royal Borough of Greenwich, care about the environment and climate change, and want to do your bit then we are looking for 20 to 30 residents to sign-up to be a part of the planning group.
The community-based Carbon Neutral Greenwich Planning Group will be entrusted with a pot of money from the Council’s budget as part of its commitment to reach net zero carbon emissions 20 years ahead of the national target and the publication of its draft carbon neutral plan, that it‘s currently consulting on until 7 March 2021.
Other members of the local community who have solutions to climate change and helping the Council reach its ambitious carbon neutral goals will be able to bid for a portion of the money. The final decision as to who is awarded money will be made by the community planning group at an open and transparent decision-making day.
Members of the group will be given training and take part in seven supported delivery sessions to shape the programme, invite bidders to apply for funding, judge if applications fit the set criteria, and plan the decision day where the wider community will be invited to vote.
Volunteer for the Carbon Neutral Greenwich Planning Group – click here! We will be holding information sessions on: Wednesday 3rd March 2021, Wednesday 10th March 2021, and a final session on Wednesday 17th March 2021 at 5:30pm . If you would like to attend this planning session on the 17th please register and click the “I would like to attend the information session” box. In the case of oversubscription to this group we will need to ensure we have a broad reflection of the population in the Royal Borough of Greenwich. Whilst the following demographic information is not essential it will help us better understand how reflective this group is of the wider population. We do, however understand if you would rather not complete it, although we hope very much you will!
You have until 7 March 2021 to give the Council your feedback.
If you would like to learn a little more about the PB process in general or the roles and responsibilities of the planning group, please follow this link to the FAQs.