Citizens Assemblies

In a Citizens’ Assembly, members of the public are brought together to consider an issue of public concern. They learn in depth about an issue that they may or may to know much about by hearing from expert witnesses and stakeholders.
The process is designed to provide plenty of time to ‘deliberate’ – reflecting and discussing with people from all walks of life the various ways in which they might understand an issue.
Then together, they reach a collective decision with some recommendations that are presented back to the authority, organisation or community for a response and action.


When should I use this?

  • When you have a complex social issue to explore with the public
  • When you are seeking recommendations from the public on how to act on an issue
  • When you need the community to hear various perspectives on a challenging issue
  • When you want communities call to account a number of  expert witnesses on the issue and spend at least two days (post expert input) deliberating their recommendations for the commissioning organisation

When wouldn’t I use this?

  • If you are some way into your listening process
  • If you already have a detailed strategy
  • If you are not prepared to listen to the results
  • If it was a straightforward organisational delivery matter rather than a  challenging social issue
  • If you had a small budget (the random selection of participants and incentive to participate  require a larger budget.  This are a vital parts of the process)

How does MutualGain deliver this?

  • We would work with the commissioning organisation to define a suitable question and agree the independent advisory and oversight structures
  • We partner with expert sortition (selection of random participants) organisations
  • We would deliver the ‘on boarding’ process ourselves and work with stakeholders to identify potential questions to be asked and understand expectations
  • We deliver the Citizens Assembly process throughout

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