Welcome to MutualiLearn!
Welcome to MutualiLearn!
Welcome to MutualGain’s online learning platform, MutualiLearn. MutualiLearn is MutualGain’s online learning platform; it is one of the access routes to our level 3 or level 4 qualifications in Building Social Capital through Community Engagement. Designed in house by the MutualGain team, this qualification is nationally accredited through the Open College Network (London)and Ofqual.
MutualiLearn has been developed to help organisations to build social capital with communities through a high-quality learning platform.
You will be given the option to complete single modules (e.g. Planning and Delivering an Effective World Café) or you can choose to complete the full level 3 or 4 qualification by choosing one of the bundle options.
- Reframing community engagement
- Rethinking public services
- An introduction to coding and analysis
- Planning and delivering an effective World Café
- An introduction Participatory Budgeting
- An introduction to Appreciative Inquiry
Please note: if you are completing the full qualification, modules 1-3 listed above are mandatory. You will then be able to choose two of the remaining modules.
Please click here to see the instructions you will need to follow to register and set up your online learning account.
The qualification will involve completing a series of modules through the medium of narrated presentations, supported by film and podcasts, each followed by a quiz and short written assessment.
You will be connected to a fully qualified Group Leader (tutor) from MutualGain, who will provide remote support through email, telephone or Zoom/Teams wherever possible.
We want to help you achieve this qualification to the best of your abilities. Work will be internally moderated by the MutualGain trainers and assessors before being externally moderated through OCN.
Learners will be regularly advised as to whether or not submissions meet the assessment criteria. This will be done once a month (normally the 28th). Updates on submissions are done automatically in relation to all submission received five days prior to this date.
To find out more information, you can read our Assessment Policy. It is the intention of MutualGain that our assessment process remain transparent, fair and just for all learners. All learners have the right to appeal against any assessment decision.
We hope that you thoroughly enjoy completing your qualification through MutualiLearn, but if you do have any complaints, please feel free to contact your Group Leader who will be pleased to help.
Below is a list of relevant policies that we suggest that you download and read. Our policies are reviewed annually, so they may change from the version that you download.
Finally – we would like to wish you the best of luck and we look forward to sharing our learning with you.
Susan Ritchie Dr Andrew Fisher
Director MutualGain Programme Manager MutualiLearn
Getting Started – Choose Your Modules
Getting Started – Create Your Account
Getting started – logging in
Purchasing Your Modules
Proceeding to Checkout
Adding Additional Seats
Ancillary Consideration
MutualiLearn New Learner Guide
Welcome to MutualGain’s online learning platform, MutualiLearn. MutualiLearn is MutualGain’s online learningplatform; it is one of the access routes to our level 3 or level 4 qualifications in Building Social Capital through Community Engagement. Designed in house by the MutualGain team, this qualification is nationally accredited through the Open College Network (London) and Ofqual. It has been developed to help organisations to build social capital with communities through a high quality learning platform.
This guide has been developed to help you to select the indivi dual modules or level 3 or 4 bundle that suit your learning needs. Whether you are looking to purchase modules as an individual learner or for a number of learners, the guide will take you through the selection and payment process.
Getting Started – Choose Your Modules
To access the learning platform, please copy learning.mutualgain.org into your browser.
We have created a five step process to help to get you started. The five steps are shown below, but essentially, all you need to do is browse the modules available, select whether you want to learn online or offline and register using the button at the bottom of the Choose Your Modules page (see Fig 1.).
Fig 1.
Getting Started – Create Your Account
In this step, you need to provide some information that will allow you purchase the modules that you are after. Once you have added the required information, we will send you an email that will activate your account (see Fig.2 ). Don’t forget to check your spam in case the activation email drops in here.
Once you activate your account, you will receive a second email that will automatically select a password for you (see Fig. 3). It is really important that you copy this password and save it somewhere as you will need it later.
Fig 3.
Your next step will re-set your password. Having copied your password (see below), all you need to do is to click the re-set button. Your account is now active and you can log in.
Fig .4
Getting started – logging in
To log in, just enter the following URL into your browser – https://learning.mutualgain.org. You can then select the log in button as shown in the top right hand corner of Fig.5
Fig. 5
You will then be presented with the screen shown in Fig.5. Here you can add in your log in (usually firstname.surname) and enter the password that you saved earlier.
Purchasing Your Modules
If you are buying a bundle for the full level 3 or 4 qualification, then the easiest way to do this is to select the Our Modules tab at the top of the page and choose Level 3 or Level 4. You can then chose the bundle that you desire and add them to your basket (see Fig 6).