Our Voice, Our Choice, Our Port – Saturday AM
Welcome to the PB page for the 11am Saturday 27th March PB event.
Here, you will be able to read a short description of each programme that will be shown on the Saturday morning.
If you would like to view the short description in a different language, then please use the table at the top of this page and select the language of choice.
Please note – this will not be the running order for the day of the event
Happy reading!
1) Maindee Unlimited – ‘Growing Together’ : £3,000
We are a not-for-profit community organisation based in Maindee, Newport – seeking £3,000 to enable us to give the many forgotten shabby corners of the neighbourhood a much-needed uplift. This inner-city suburb has the least amount of accessible green space in Newport. It has very few parks or recreational spaces for people to relax and unwind away from the stresses of daily life. What it does have however, is a collection of fragmented overlooked corner plots, pedestrian corridors and roadside verges – bursting with potential!
Wherever there’s a scrappy piece of land overgrown with brambles, litter / fly-tipping – we see a future pocket park; community growing space; orchard; edible garden; urban nature sanctuary in the making. We’ve begun the journey to turn these spaces around for the benefit of people and nature. Aggregated together, an exciting prospect emerges: a web of greenery where people can experience nature at every turn.
Our community is ethnically diverse and densely populated, with many dwellings being ‘houses of multiple occupation’ with few having access to a garden. The diverse and vibrant community of Maindee gives the neighbourhood it’s heart, soul and character. The ‘Growing Together’ project will provide opportunities for likeminded folk from all backgrounds to connect and hopefully inspire a reimagining of these spaces – making them cleaner, greener and more welcoming.
The funding will enable us to purchase plants, seeds, soil, compost, landscaping materials, printing, tea & biscuits – £3,000 will go a long way in our quest to ‘Green Maindee’.
2) I Am All Stories – Creativity Together: £3,850
I Am All Stories has been sending out creative projects in artistic envelopes in the post, supporting people through social isolation. As the pandemic lifts, we are now trying to help people rebuild, with a much more dedicated focus on our local Newport Community. We want to put in place a community enrichment programme, focused on young people and care homes; quite often the most marginalised and isolated communities. This would be completed through a creative care package project which will engage the target communities with creativity. Creativity has been researched to help our mental health and the aim of this project is to allow people to rebuild, regain healthy wellbeing and build confidence.
The care packages will include prompts and challenges, images and questions to encourage people to think differently, engage in how they are feeling, with the world around them and undertake creative challenges. These packages will give ongoing engagement, with multiple layers to engage with over a short or longer period.
The aim of this project is to help isolated and alienated people in our community rebuild from Covid-19, as our restrictions lift, these prompts will not only encourage people to do things on their own but to step out into the city, and surrounding areas, and connect with other people. The money we are asking for is £3,850 – this will go towards art materials, postage, and the time to allow us to reach out and engage with people in the community who most need it.
3) Healthy Eating – Cooking Fun For Families With Young Children: £,4000
Ann’s Community Kitchen CIC is a non-profit cookery school based in Newport, South Wales. We believe cooking is for everyone – communities and families – and it can bring good health and well-being to our community.
With the food insecurity and food poverty in our community due to EU exit and Covid-19 Lockdown, many families have lost jobs and a sudden drop of income can lead to health issues; we believe helping families to cook a healthy and tasty meal is important for their wellbeing. They can pick a free item from our Community Kitchen Pantry and we will give them ideas for how to cook and what to cook which will help to improve their confidence in cooking. A free recipe sheet will be given so that they can create the dish at home at their convenience. Zoom live cook-a-long sessions will encourage the whole family to get involved cooking together as we believe cooking should be fun with young children and they are more likely want to eat new food if they help prepare it.
If we were lucky to receive the grant it will help to set-up our Community kitchen Pantry:
- Buy basic pantry items with long shelf life (eg: rice, pasta, flour, tinned food) and fresh produce from local growers
- Pay for hall hire at Blaen-y-Pant Community Centre, Bettws, Newport
- Compensate volunteers for delivery costs eg. Petrol for delivery of food parcels to families
- Zoom live cook-a-long sessions
4) Community Supported Grow and Eat Project: £3,000
Mount Pleasant Primary School PTA would like to create a Community Supported Grow and Eat Project.
As a school we aren’t eligible for any funding that supports the purchase of additional resources to support and promote Outdoor Learning and therefore rely on the help and fundraising that we the PTA bring to the school. However, this has been curtailed by the pandemic.
We want to help our children to be able to extend their learning to the outdoors by establishing a growing scheme that links the experience of the retired community with the children. Like the old school reading scheme that encouraged parents and grandparents to come in to listen to readers, we want to encourage our community gardening experts (those that just love gardening, those that are retired, those that want to make sure our children understand the benefits of growing your own food) to come in and help our children learn how to plant, grow and harvest food that can be then utilised into creating healthy, wholesome meals.
We would like funding to buy raised beds and enough soil to fill them as this is such a huge outlay of cost to the school. We hope that the community will then bring in the seeds to plant with the children to establish year-round supplies of vegetables.
Raised bed kits cost £200 – we would like about 10 to involve as many classes as possible.
Soil to fill all 10 would be £100 per raised bed.
Total £3000 grant would be very much appreciated.
5) W.A.L.K Newport – Wellbeing and Local Knowledge Support for Senior Citizens: £1,500
We are a local Newport group which has been in existence since 2003 originally set up for people who were coming out of cardiac re-hab to help them reduce the chance of heart attacks and increase their sense of well-being and self-confidence. Our objectives are supporting ex-rehab patients and the older generation to maintain well-being, mental health and physical activity in the company of their peers through organised and secure short walk programmes and activities. Our age profile is:
- 75+ years old – 40 people
- 65 – 74 years old – 52 people
- 55 – 64 years old – 4 people
We meet twice weekly at various locations around Newport normally on a bus route to allow those people without transport to attend. Each walk is assessed, and risk assessments are prepared for each walk to try to ensure our walkers’ safety. Each month a walk programme is planned and brochures printed which are then circulated around local Health Centres, Doctors Surgeries and Hospitals. We hold regular committee meetings to discuss any issues arising since the last meeting. Each walk normally consists of 30 – 40 people and is organised by voluntary walk leaders who are all trained in 1st aid, CPR and use of a portable de-fib device that we carry with us on walks. We use Walkie-Talkies to keep in touch. Prior to starting each walk, we describe the walk and maintain a record of walkers and confirm that they feel capable of undertaking the walk. We always attempt to include items of local interest on our walks to maintain people’s interest and develop their knowledge of the area. Since the COVID pandemic, it has become obvious that social isolation often has an adverse impact on peoples’ mental health, and this is something that we have always taken on board (not only during the pandemic) to help people meet and make friends through short accompanied walks. Some of the walkers treat the group as part of the family. In addition to the weekly walks, we hold various social activities such as a Christmas party, we organise an annual holiday and organise coach day trips to other locations of interest.
We would appreciate being provided with a grant of £1,500 to allow us to continue to support the older people of Newport to allow them to maintain mental wellbeing, social inclusion and physical activity.
6) Friends of St Davis RC Primary School – Enhanced Digital Competency: £4,000
We are applying for a £4,000 grant to purchase Chromebooks to further enhance the digital learning of all of the children in the school.
In an ever increasing digital world the need to teach children these vital skills only increases with each passing year. Our ability as a school to provide the level of access to enhance digital competency for all children is restricted due to limited resources. Current quarantine restrictions means that devices cannot be shared between groups of children as they once were & the need to support families at home means existing resources no longer deliver the level of learning we once could. Covid has also unfortunately highlighted the gap that exists between those fortunate to have access to devices at home and those who don’t. These new devices will help us to close that gap by allowing us to focus on those most in need to enhance their digital competency.
It is our intention that these new devices will be used daily in school but can also be loaned to children to use at home should the need for home learning or self isolation rise again.
7) NCJM Youth Project: £4,000
Our Project will run from the Central Jamia Masjid located in Stow Hill, which is located at the centre of town and easily accessible for families who do not have cars. We want to deliver a BAME Youth Project for approximately 40 children aged from 11-16 by providing various activities and a social hub.
Our aims and objectives are to deliver such activities that result in promoting positive Mental Wellbeing. Some of the families who attend the mosque have been impacted by Covid19 from health, family loss and financial related issues. These negative impacts will have a long-term effect on children, and we want to start moving towards a positive direction by engaging these children in our Youth Club. Many parents have contacted us raising concerns over their children’s Mental Wellbeing and are requesting if we could set up a Youth facility within our setting. As we are a well-established Mosque, our service users feel it is a safe environment for their children to attend and freely mix with other children and participate in various activities under supervision.
We would like you to support us so that we can secure £4000 to fund this much needed project that will reach out to over 40 young residents of Newport. The funding will cover staffing cost and fund towards purchasing resources to deliver the project.
8) City of Newport Male Choir – Supporting Carers and Keyworkers: £2,400
The debt we owe to NHS staff, carers and keyworkers is incalculable. They have given so much both physically and emotionally during the whole period of the pandemic with little opportunity to rest and recharge their batteries. To show the Community’s gratitude we would like to organise a free concert for these keyworkers at an appropriate time later this year followed by a programme of smaller concerts at Residential Homes.
Our experience tells us that to hire an appropriate venue, other musical contributors and equipment plus printing and publicity would cost approx. £1,900. As a registered charity we would organise, administer and perform without charge.
We would like to follow this one off concert with a series of smaller concerts performed by ourselves at local Residential and Care Homes. This would give both staff, but also more importantly the residents, the chance to experience live entertainment and personal contact which has been denied them for such a long time during the pandemic. We estimate that our costs would be £500 for the whole programme – the Choir’s services would again be provided free of charge.
We see our proposals as providing a tangible show of appreciation for the sacrifices made by keyworkers and an opportunity for them and the residents of care homes to relax , be entertained and have their spirits lifted after the deprivation endured for such a prolonged period.
We believe that we can provide all of the above at a total cost of £2,400 and would appreciate the chance via this Community Funding to say “Thank You” on your behalf.
9) RCV UK – Intergenerational Digital Inclusion Project: £3,995
To lessen the digital divide for the elderly and vulnerable. We plan to work with youth volunteers to teach these VIPs how to access the internet to enhance their lives and decrease isolation and loneliness. We currently make over 170 ‘kindness calls’ per week to the elderly and vulnerable, one of the recurring issues is the disconnect they have with the outside world because they’re unable to access online services such as Zoom calling their friends and family and online shopping. This is seriously negatively impacting upon their mental health and has isolated them long before the pandemic hit. We want to help by working with young people in both Newport and Caerphilly to deliver our intergenerational project. We will train our young volunteers to become ‘Digital Champions’ to deliver these empowering sessions to make a real difference to those in desperate need of this support. Our project is listed on GAVO’s website as a youth volunteering opportunity and will be shared, once live, through Rogerstone Community Council’s comms network and our social media channels.
10) Newport Mind – Mind Time Podcast: £1,481
We are the Wellbeing Ambassadors, 14-25 year old volunteers at Newport Mind. We are requesting funding for £1,480.90 to start a Wellbeing Ambassador created and delivered podcast.
This would be a platform for youth led conversations and advice around wellbeing. We will use this space to discuss wellbeing in a youth focused way, concentrating on the matters that we feel are most relevant to the young population in Newport.
The hosts will rotate, spanning different ages, backgrounds and cultural identities to ensure that the podcast is relevant to all listeners and representative of the youth population in Newport. We will utilise our current social media channels (Changing Minds Facebook and Instagram pages) to encourage feedback and engagement from listeners to ensure that we are responding to local young people’s priorities and questions.
Because this podcast will be delivered by young people, it will provide an accessible resource for young individuals across Newport to access peer delivered advice and information. Listeners will be more informed about their own mental health and wellbeing, including coping tools and strategies they can use to self-manage. Providing relaxed and informed conversations around mental health can have the added benefit of reducing stigma around this topic.
Guest speakers from community venues and other organisations will provide up to date, local information around the activities and services available for young people across Newport. Armed with this knowledge, young people have better opportunities to access the support that they need and a greater connection to their local community.
11) Maindee Festival – Maindee Wildlife Mural: £3,000
Maindee Walkway Mural will create a stunning wildlife mural designed and executed by international artist Newport’s Andy O Rourke.
The walkway which links Corporation Road to the Riverside development and the footbridge over the river has been a scruffy and neglected space for many years. Maindee Unlimited’s Greening Maindee team has recently carried out some landscaping and this mural will enhance that work. The art work will cover the large gable end of an end of terrace property which currently attracts grafitti. Experience has shown that when large walls are decorated in this way they remain graffiti free. The Maindee walkway is used by hundreds of people travelling East to West across the city, and this a superb location to create a visually stunning landmark. Children at Maindee School will get involved in creating the image and will learn about local environmental and biodiversity issues as well as art techniques from conversations with Andy. Several local organisations are supporting this scheme including Newport Gwent Dragons, Newport Bus Company, Jehu, Newport City Homes , Maindee Primary School, and Community House Eton Road. We’ve raised half the £6,000 needed and now need a further £3,000 to make it happen. The work is expected to take around 20 days to complete including design time and sessions with children. We have approval from the home owner and Newport City Council and if we’re successful we’d like to start in April.
12) Interactive Community Conversations – Children & Young People 10-17: £4,000
Barrackswood and Harlequin Community Group is made up of active local residents who want to make the best of where we live and support those living here to thrive.
Amongst other things our group has a particular interest in revitalising several local green spaces, which have lots of potential, but are currently underutilised and underdeveloped.
We are keen to hear as many voices from our community as possible to ensure that everyone has a chance to influence future plans for the regeneration of our area.
We would like to access £4k of funding to hire a youth engagement/play specialist to run a programme of interactive sessions over the summer months for children and young people aged 10-17. The primary aim and benefit of these sessions will be centred around wellbeing and post covid resilience, offering participants the opportunity to get outdoors, get creative, connect with nature and each other, after being so restricted and spending so much time indoors over the past year.
Through conversations participants will also have the chance to contribute ideas, share their aspirations and develop a vision for the sorts of play/outdoor spaces and activities they would like to see implemented on a more permanent basis.
The secondary aim is that this will form a body of evidence and valuable information that will feed into the long-term plans for our community group, that can then be presented to agencies/decision makers working locally and external funders to support the implementation of the ideas that have been generated.
13) Action for Children Wales Fostering: The Art Space: £4,000
Action for Children’s Wales Fostering service are applying for £4,000 for our Arts Space where we run sensory workshops for foster children aged 4 to 18. We help these children who have experienced Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) to work through the trauma they have suffered. The number of art space sessions and number of participants vary across the year, depending on funding available and the needs of individual children and their experiences. Past sessions have included drumming, print making and sculpture design to give our children new experiences and skills, develop their confidence and self-esteem, and work through childhood traumas.
Our workshops provide an intensely and creatively nurturing experience that starts to work through the impacts of their trauma and neglect, whilst creating the opportunity for our foster children to come together to form friendships, and support, with a group of people where they don’t have to explain their situation. Workshops are specifically designed to reduce the impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) on the children who have experienced distressing childhoods. Public Health Wales research (2017) has shown that ACEs have a direct impact on the likelihood of a person to commit crime in their lifetime.
Your funding would enable us to buy in expert creative art practitioners to run a workshops programme for up to 45 fostered children, to best help the children and young people we work with to fulfil their potential and have the best life chances.
14) Newport Uskmouth Rotary – Laptops 4 Learning: £4,000
Laptops 4 Home Learning are recycling obsolete laptops and refurbishing them into Chromebooks, suitable for secondary pupils to use at home during Lockdown. We have already delivered over 200 laptops to John Frost, Llanwern and Lliswerry High Schools. We are now looking to extend the project to all Newport’s secondary schools, where there is currently a need for a further 400 laptops. The refurb process costs approximately £20 per machine, so a donation of £4,000 would go a long way to helping us achieve our target.
The scheme has been running since September 2020 and has supported schools and pupils through the Lockdowns. The pandemic has highlighted the ‘digital divide’ and there will continue to be a need to support blended-learning beyond Lockdown. As pupils return to school, they will continue to need access to on-line learning, to support classroom teaching and homework.
Newport Uskmouth Rotary are running the scheme supported by a local IT firm, Micro-smith.
15) Newport Cricket Club – Together Stronger: £4,000
‘The ‘Together Stronger’ programme is a new and unique project using Cricket as the catalyst to address many social issues, helping to bring BAME communities across Newport closer together. Many BAME children and young adults have a love of cricket and the ‘Together Stronger’ Project will build on positive engagement through Cricket to provide a catalyst for lifestyle change – leisure pursuits, education, health & well-being, and even employment. The well-being of children and families throughout the Covid-19 Pandemic has been a significant cause for concern with physical and mental health being major issues that need to be addressed. We hope that through the ‘Our Voice, Our Choice, Our Port’ grant application, we can raise £4,000 to run the community based project’.
16) Bettws Learning Community – Play Bettws: £4,000
We want to get children in Bettws playing outside this summer! Following all the disruption caused by the pandemic, children and their parents need outdoor play and natural environments more than ever for their mental health and wellbeing.
We are asking for £4000 to enable local children to work with a community arts organisation to get their creative juices going with a series of workshops, activities and events during late spring and summer 2021. Using children’s creativity, the project will kickstart a longer process of involving them in planning and designing the places where they want to play and meet. They will answer the questions “where do we play now?” and “where do we want to play?” using the community arts organisation as facilitator and ideas wrangler. Funding will pay for activities, materials and refreshments and for the facilitator to work with local children, community organisations and schools from May-August.
This project is an opportunity to involve and benefit the whole community in play, nature, being outdoors and recovery from the Covid crisis. Play Bettws aims to regenerate the open spaces of Bettws to make them accessible, safer and, most importantly, exciting, inviting and engaging for all children in Bettws. Whilst the project is hosted by Bettws Early Learning Community and Save the Children UK, its legacy focuses on the community growing up in Bettws. We want children in Bettws to help design their play spaces, building useful social, creative, team working and problem-solving skills along the way.
17) Ziba Creative – Art Clwb: £3,500
‘Creativity is contagious pass it on’ – Albert Einstein.
Ziba Creative would like to make and deliver a series of digital creative art workshops to inspire people to come together and get creative. Alongside there would be creative resources and wellbeing creative packs to support participation and remove barriers to access. To be able to offer these workshops online, free of charge for people to get involved with and send in their work inspired by Art Clwb. To celebrate the artwork and artists involved they will be in the Art Clwb gallery online for all to enjoy.Arts engagement is proven to improve well being but there are perceived and real social barriers to engagement. The pandemic has increased deprivation, isolation and mental health issues and these workshops allow people to connect, create and build confidence.
All recorded sessions will be available on @ZibaCreativeUk Youtube and Art Clwb #CreatewithNaz on social media, as a community creative resource.
The online workshops are accessible to all allowing people to feel connected and rebuilding wellbeing and creativity in the community.
The creative packs will enable people to take part at home with support materials, equipment and ideas.
Ziba Creative will be supporting groups who have faced extreme hardship, young carers, Black Asian and Minority communities and we also hope to connect with our LGBTQ community. The project will bring joy and creativity across our city! Please vote for Ziba Creative!
- Funding to support needed: £3,500
- Community partners: The Riverfront and Eyst
18) Share Centre – WOW Cooking Connections: £3,555
2020 and 2021 have seen people across the world living in unprecedented circumstances. People have been isolated and cut off from most of their social interactions, from family, friends and also from social groups and classes. Isolation at home has been difficult for many of us over the last year. For some of our ‘English to Speakers of Other Languages’ (ESOL) students life has been full of change; they have left their homes, wider families and communities and found themselves in a new country and city.
Here at The SHARE Centre on Stow Hill we believe that communication is key to harmony and understanding. Alongside attending our ESOL classes’ women of all ages will benefit hugely through opportunities for informal conversations and making new friendships. This will support their learning and enhance their conversational English skills.
Over millennia humans have come together over food; gathering and growing food, preparing and sharing meals day to day and in celebration or remembrance. We are very lucky to be able to bring together women from many different cultures and backgrounds. We will build on this to draw women together. In addition, we can offer our participants the opportunity to gain food hygiene qualifications which will support them in future jobs and careers, as will digital recording and sharing on social media.
We envisage women coming together under strict compliance with Covid regulations to play a full part in Newport’s vibrant community. Please vote for WOW Community Connections to make this a reality.
19) County in the Community – Fit and Fed: £3,500
School holidays have become hard for low-income families. Research shows many children on free school meals, or low-income families are hungry, isolated and inactive during the holidays. A poor diet, lack of activities and limited social engagement leaves them poorly prepared to return to school.
County in the Community (CitC) hope to gain this funding in order to allow the Charity to continue to deliver the brilliant work that has been carried out in previous school holidays.
CitC work hard during the school holidays to provide fun filled, free sports sessions and provide young people with valuable meals on days where they may otherwise go hungry or eat minimal food.
County in the Community will deliver a Fit and Fed camp on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday in the upcoming half terms. The camp will be delivered in a highly WIMD area in Alway, Newport.
The camp will be right on the doorstep and easy accessible to young people who will be able to play structured sports including football, basketball, dodgeball, handball, SMASH Hockey and other multi skills activities where they may otherwise be wandering around the streets looking for things to do with their time.
20) Gŵyl Newydd – Comisiynu cynhyrchiad drama dwyieithog i Gŵyl Newydd 2021: Hanes y Bont Gludo: £4,000
Mae Gŵyl Newydd yn ŵyl gelfyddydol gymunedol sy’n dathlu pob agwedd o ddiwylliant Cymreig ardal Casnewydd a thu hwnt. Wedi’i sefydlu yn 2018, mae gan Ŵyl Newydd bresenoldeb ar yr holl lwyfannau cymdeithasol arferol gan gynnwys gwefan cofrestredig yn ogystal â sianel arbennig ar brif lwyfan celfyddydol a chreadigol Cymru, AM. Mewn ymateb i’r coronafeirws, cynhaliwyd trydydd dathliad Gŵyl Newydd yn rhithiol gan ddefnyddio gwefan/ap AM i lwyfannu prif raglen yr ŵyl. Ar sail llwyddiant Gŵyl Newydd 2020 ac ansefydlogrwydd parhaus y pandemig, cynhelir Gŵyl Newydd 2021 eto ar blatfform AM. Dyma gais am grant ariannol hyd at £4,000 er mwyn comisiynu’r cwmni theatr ‘Mewn Cymeriad’ i gyfansoddi, datblygu a llwyfannu sioe ddigidol ddwyieithog sy’n rhoi hanes Pont Gludo Casnewydd mewn perfformiad addysgedig, gweledol. Yn llunio un elfen o raglen gynhwysfawr Gŵyl Newydd 2021, rydym yn credu y byddai’r darpar ddrama yn adnodd arbennig i bob aelod o’r gymuned leol a thu hwnt. Byddwn yn dynodi’r swm o arian ar gyfer elfennau megis y gwaith sgriptio, cyfansoddi, cyfarwyddo a golygu gyda’r gobaith o ddatblygu deunydd hir-oes, o’r safon uchaf. Yn gyfnod hynod gyffrous i Gasnewydd, rydym o’r farn y gallai’r adnodd hwn bortreadu hanes pwysig y Bont Gludo a chyfoethogi bwrlwm y ddinas. Braint byddai chwarae rhan mewn adfywiad cyffrous Casnewydd a diolchwn o flaen llaw am ystyried ein cais.
English version
21) Bundles Baby Clothing Bank and Birth Support: £4,000
Bundles is a voluntary support group for women and families in need during and after pregnancy.
We collect and pass on preloved clothes and provide basic essential equipment for that new mum and child. We believe that no child should go without and no mother should feel alone or unsupported during the early years of a child’s life. We provide a ‘Bundle’ of clothes as well as Moses baskets, bedding and emergency sundries when necessary (nappies, baby milk).
During Covid, women are more isolated, families are struggling more than ever. Being pregnant and or having a new baby or toddler can leave women feeling isolated anyway. Covid has made this worse. With this grant of £4000 we can start a Friendship Support scheme: The Bundle Buddies. These will be a friendly face at such a critical time . Someone to check in and offer support. This might be to go shopping for a shielding family, or sit and have a chat and a cuppa.
Everything is kindly donated to us, but sometimes we need to respond quickly to a referral from an agency. This grant will help us respond quickly to the needs of a family in crisis. With this grant we will provide training for our volunteers, let more people know that we are here, and how we can offer help. Vote for us please!
22) YMCO Online Gardening and Sustainability Workshop: £3,290
YMCO is asking for £3290 to carry out an Online Gardening and Sustainability Workshop primarily for the BME community adults and older generation.
This programme will provide free gardening packs per household with all the materials required to plant together via zoom, whilst learning about self-sustainability and benefits of learning gardening skills. It will help reduce stress and improve mood. The participants will be expected to have gained knowledge of how to grow and maintain a plant, how to make it thrive, information and education in home garden management including composting. This will be a fun, informative project that will be a great benefit to our beneficiaries.
24) Newport City Radio – Out Of Lockdown 2021: £3,451
25) MenterLaith Casynwydd – Hwyl L’r Teulu: £3,000
26) Pobl Group – George Street: £3,000
We are a supported accommodation for 16-18 year olds with complex needs in Newport, we house young people who have come from a range of backgrounds which include social care and broken families. Our aim is to support the young people with a healthy and active wellbeing whilst also encouraging independent living.
Currently, our residents move on when they are 18 years old. Majority of the time they move into their own flat, however often leave without any of their own essential items such as homeware and kitchenware. We would like to be able to put a package together to enable our residents to start the next chapter of their lives with essential household items.
Additionally, we currently have no budget to offer our residents activities on and off scheme. We would love the opportunity to host workshops on scheme to improve the education and prevent anti-social behaviour in our young people. We would also be delighted to improve the community cohesion and allow our young people to do activities and volunteer within the great city of Newport. Most of our young people have never had experiences or have any memories of taking part in worthwhile and meaningful activities. With the numerous things to do around Newport it has great potential to create many positive memories for our young people whilst also supporting the local economy.
We are asking for £3,000 to enable to support this project, we believe this will be enough to support the programme for 12 months