A Newport Participatory Budgeting Programme

 Participatory Budgeting Funding Opportunity for Newport

Events are to be held online Saturday 27th March 2021

The Small Projects Fund (funding applications up to £4,000) is being held from 11am – 1pm

The Large Projects Fund (funding applications between £4,000 and £10,000) is being held from 2pm – 4pm


(Please scroll down for the Welsh version of these documents)


Participatory Budgeting Funding Opportunity for Newport

Aneurin Bevan University Health Board has made £100,000 available for a Participatory Budgeting programme which focuses on well-being in Newport. The aim is to support local communities to recover from the impact of COVID-19. This funding was secured from the Welsh Government Early Years and Prevention Fund.

Participatory Budgeting (PB) puts community members in control of allocating funds to projects that benefit the community. PB is a democratic process where applicants that meet the criteria set out below, are asked to make a short video about their project and Newport residents vote for the projects that they believe will be of most benefit to the community.

If you would like more information on the PB process please click here to go to our FAQ document. 

Any community group, resident or not for profit organisation can bid for a share of the £100,000. Your Bid needs to benefit at least one of the eight groups AND address one of the five themes listed below.

Eight Groups:

  • Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic Communities
  • Disabled People and Carers
  • Older People and Carers
  • Children and Young People (10- 17)
  • Young People 18- 25
  • LGBTQ+ People
  • Refugees, Asylum Seekers and Migrants
  • Welsh Speakers

Five Themes:

  • Digital Inclusion
  • Mental Wellbeing
  • Community Cohesion
  • Information/ Knowledge
  • Regeneration

How Does The PB Process Work?

The local community will decide who is awarded the money based on the projects that they like the most, the process is as follows:

  1. The funds will be split over two events.
  2. £60,000 has been allocated to the first event on Saturday 27th March 2021 from 11am to 1pm, applicants can submit a bid for funding up to a maximum of £4,000 for their project in this event.
  3. £40,000 has been allocated to the second event on Saturday 27th March 2021 from 2pm to 4pm, applicants can submit a bid for funding up to maximum of £10,000 for their project in this event.
  4. This application form will be checked to ensure that it meets the full criteria (set out below).
  5. Applicants that meet the criteria will be invited to put together a 3-minute video about their bid. Each film will be shown in sequence at a decision day event and the community will then be allowed to vote once for each project
  6. At the event, the community and other groups will be in attendance and they will vote on the projects being presented to them.
  7. Votes are counted on the day, and the winning projects will be informed of their success before the event closes.

Who Can Apply for the funding?

  • We welcome bids from young people aged 11+. If you are under 18 we will require a consent form signed by a responsible adult
  • If you are a non-constituted group or individual, the PB planning group will work with you to ensure a suitable sponsor is available to support you.
  • Public sector organisations are not eligible to apply
  • Private organisations can apply as long as they are non profit organisations and the bid is made by and individual i.e. not on behalf of the organisation.
  • Applications are welcome from anywhere in South East Wales, but all activities/ interventions and legacy must remain in Newport.
  •  A maximum of three bids will be accepted from any applicant, however, each bid must cover a separate target group and the total for all three must not exceed a combined maximum of £10,000.

Timeline of Events

  • If you would like help with your application, or would like to learn about what works in Participatory Budgeting, then we will be holding two support sessions as follows:
    – Monday 8th  February from 16:30-18:30pm
    – Wednesday 10th February from 10-12am
  • Please let us know if you would like to attend one of these sessions by replying to one.newport@newport.gov.uk . Details will also be posted on our Facebook site https://www.facebook.com/NewportFundingStrongerCommunities 
  • Please ensure the application form is submitted by midnight on Thursday 4th March 2021. Late submissions will not be considered
  • Those who meet the criteria for the fund will be notified on the 11th March 2021
  • A film surgery will be held online through Zoom on the 16th March 2021 at 6pm, the link for this will be shared closer to the time.
  • The closing date for film submission is midnight on Monday 22nd March 2021. Late submissions will not be considered
  • The Participatory Budgeting events will take place online on Saturday 27th March 2021.


  • Voting will be by Newport residents and take place through Zoom, the link for this will be shared closer to the time.
  • Voters will need to register via Eventbrite.  This link will go live on [add in the date].  Details will be shared via our Facebook page.
  • Those attending are required to vote on all bids at the event, failure to do so renders that voting form inadmissible.
  • The minimum voting age is 11 years old


There are two separate applications for funding within this event. 

If you would like to apply for up to £4,000 please click here to apply for the Small Projects Fund

Newport PB Small Fund Application

If you would like to apply for anywhere between £4,000 and £10,000 please click here to apply for the Large Projects Fund

Newport PB Large Fund Application



Cyfle Ariannu Cyllidebu Cyfranogol ar gyfer Casnewydd

Digwyddiad i’w gynnal ar-lein ddydd Sadwrn 27 Mawrth 2021

Cynhelir y Gronfa Prosiectau Bach (ceisiadau ariannu hyd at £4,000) rhwng 11am – 1pm

Cynhelir y Gronfa Prosiectau Mawr (ceisiadau ariannu rhwng £4,000 a £10,000) rhwng 2pm – 4pm


Mae Bwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Aneurin Bevan wedi sicrhau bod £100,000 ar gael ar gyfer Cyllidebu Cyfranogol (CC) ar gyfer lles yng Nghasnewydd er mwyn cefnogi cymunedau lleol i wella ar ôl effaith COVID-19. Mae’r arian hwn yn dod o Gronfa Blynyddoedd Cynnar ac Atal Llywodraeth Cymru.

Mae CC yn rhoi rheolaeth i aelodau’r gymuned dros ddyrannu arian i brosiectau sydd o fudd i’r gymuned. Mae CC yn broses ddemocrataidd lle y gofynnir i ymgeiswyr sy’n bodloni’r meini prawf a restrir isod, wneud fideo fer am eu prosiect a bydd trigolion Casnewydd yn pleidleisio dros y prosiectau y maent yn credu y bydd o’r budd mwyaf i’r gymuned.

Os hoffech gael rhagor o wybodaeth am y broses CC, cliciwch yma i fynd i’n dogfen Cwestiynau Cyffredin.

Gall unrhyw grŵp cymunedol, preswylydd neu sefydliad dielw fidio am gyfran o’r £100,000.  Mae angen i’ch cais fod o fudd i o leiaf un o’r wyth grŵp a mynd i’r afael ag un o’r pum thema a restrir isod.


8 Grŵp:

  • BAME – Cymunedau Du, Asiaidd a Lleiafrifoedd Ethnig
  • Pobl Anabl a Gofalwyr
  • Pob Hŷn a Gofalwyr
  • Plant a Phobl Ifanc (10-17 oed)
  • Pobl Ifanc 18-25
  • Pobl LHDTC+
  • Ffoaduriaid, Ceiswyr Lloches a Mewnfudwyr
  • Siaradwyr Cymraeg

5 Thema:

  • Cynhwysiant Digidol
  • Lles Meddyliol
  • Cydlyniant Cymunedol
  • Gwybodaeth
  • Adfywio

Sut mae’r broses CC yn gweithio?

Bydd y gymuned leol yn penderfynu pwy sy’n cael yr arian yn seiliedig ar y prosiectau maent yn eu hoffi orau, mae’r broses fel a ganlyn:

  1. Caiff yr arian ei rannu dros ddau ddigwyddiad.
  2. Cafodd £60,000 ei ddyrannu i’r digwyddiad cyntaf ddydd Sadwrn 27 Mawrth 2021 o 11am tan 1pm, gall ymgeiswyr gyflwyno cais am hyd at uchafswm o £4,000 ar gyfer eu prosiect yn y digwyddiad hwn.
  3. Cafodd £40,000 ei ddyrannu i’r ail ddigwyddiad ddydd Sadwrn 27 Mawrth 2021 o 2pm tan 4pm, gall ymgeiswyr gyflwyno cais am hyd at uchafswm o £10,000 ar gyfer eu prosiect yn y digwyddiad hwn.
  4. Caiff y ffurflen gais hon ei gwirio i sicrhau ei bod yn bodloni’r meini prawf llawn (a nodir isod).
  5. Gwahoddir ymgeiswyr sy’n bodloni’r meini prawf i greu fideo 3 munud am eu cais. Caiff pob ffilm ei dangos mewn trefn ar hap mewn digwyddiad diwrnod penderfynu.
  6. Yn y digwyddiad, bydd y gymuned a grwpiau eraill yn bresennol a byddant yn pleidleisio ar y prosiectau sy’n cael eu cyflwyno iddynt.
  7. Caiff y pleidleisiau eu cyfrif ar y diwrnod, a rhoddir gwybod i’r prosiectau buddugol cyn bod y digwyddiad yn dod i ben.

Pwy All Wneud Cais am yr arian?

  • Rydym yn croesawu ceisiadau gan bobl ifanc 11 oed ac yn hŷn, os ydych chi o dan 18 oed byddwn yn gofyn am ffurflen ganiatâd wedi’i llofnodi gan oedolyn cyfrifol
  • Os ydych yn grŵp neu unigolyn nad yw wedi’i gyfansoddi, bydd y grŵp llywio yn gweithio gyda chi i sicrhau y gall partner cymorth addas fod ar gael i chi
  • Nid yw sefydliadau’r sector cyhoeddus yn gymwys i wneud cais
  • Gall sefydliadau preifat wneud cais cyn belled â’u bod yn sefydliadau dielw
  • Gall unigolion neu grwpiau sy’n gysylltiedig â’r sector cyhoeddus neu sefydliad er elw wneud cais.
  • Gall cynigwyr fod o unrhyw le yn ne-ddwyrain Cymru, ond mae’n rhaid i bob gweithgaredd/ymyriad a gwaddol aros yng Nghasnewydd
  • Caiff uchafswm o dri chais eu derbyn gan unrhyw ymgeisydd, fodd bynnag, mae’n rhaid i bob cais gynnwys grwpiau targed ar wahân ac mae’n rhaid i’r cyfanswm ar gyfer y tri beidio â bod dros £10,000

Amserlen Digwyddiadau

  • Os hoffech chi gael help gyda’ch cais, neu os hoffech chi ddysgu am yr hyn sy’n gweithio mewn CC, byddwn yn cynnal dwy sesiwn gymorth fel a ganlyn:
    – Dydd Llun 8 Fed Chwefror 16:30-18:30yh
    – Dydd Mercher 10 Fed Chwefror 10-12yb
  • Rhowch wybod i ni os hoffech fynychu un o’r sesiynau hyn trwy ymateb i   info@mutualgain.org. Hefyd caiff manylion eu postio ar ein safle Facebook                                             https://www.facebook.com/MutualGain
  • Sicrhewch fod y ffurflen gais yn cael ei chyflwyno erbyn hanner nos ddydd Iau 4 Mawrth 2021. Ni chaiff cyflwyniadau hwyr eu hystyried.
  • Rhoddir gwybod i’r rhai sy’n bodloni’r meini prawf ar gyfer y gronfa ar 11  Mawrth 2021
  • Caiff cymhorthfa ffilm ei chynnal ar-lein drwy Zoom ar 16   Mawrth 2021 am 6pm, caiff y ddolen ar ei chyfer ei rhannu’n nes at yr amser.
  • Y dyddiad cau ar gyfer cyflwyno ffilmiau yw hanner nos ddydd Llun 22   Mawrth 2021. Ni chaiff cyflwyniadau hwyr eu hystyried.
  • Bydd y digwyddiadau CC yn cael eu cynnar ar-lein ddydd Sadwrn 27   Mawrth 2021.



  • Bydd pleidleisio yn cael ei wneud gan drigolion Casnewydd ac yn digwydd trwy Zoom
  • Bydd angen i bleidleiswyr gofrestru drwy Eventbrite. Bydd y ddolen yn mynd yn fyw ar ein tudalen Facebook a bydd modd ei rhannu ar 29 Mawrth 2021
  • Mae’n rhaid i’r rhai sy’n mynychu bleidleisio ar bob cais yn y digwyddiad, bydd methu gwneud hynny yn golygu nad yw’r ffurflen bleidleisio honno’n dderbyniol
  • Yr oedran pleidleisio lleiaf yw 11 oed


Mae yna dau gais ar wahân am arian o fewn y digwyddiad hwn:

Os hoffech ymgeisio am hyd at £4,000 cliciwch yma i wneud cais am y Gronfa Prosiectau Bach

Cais Cronfa Fach Casnewydd (SFA)

Os hoffech ymgeisio am rhwng £4,000 a £10,000 cliciwch yma i wneud cais am y Gronfa Prosiectau Mawr

Cais Cronfa Fawr Casnewydd (LFA)